New York Dreamer

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Ashley's first album.

Our Futures Written By Moodrings – New York Dreamer

I wake up every morning and I think about the day ahead,

I wonder how many hours I wasted sleeping in bed.

I eat, shower and then dress and then think of you,

I wonder what you're doing today now that we're through.

I leave the house at 10am and I go in to the town,

I go to all the places that we went and I look around.

I secretly wish that maybe somewhere there I'd see you,

I wait for the day that it'll happen and my wish comes true.

I sit and have my lunch in the bistro where we had our first date,

I eat the salad sandwich that I had and the strawberry milkshake.

I look out of the window hopefully just in case you walk past,

I see somebody with the same coat and my heart starts to beat fast.

I go to the arcade where you won me that cute plush kitty toy,

I remember that time you promised me that you'd always be my boy.

I now look at the different machines, and the kids there are all new,

I watch somebody who is winning, he has the same shoes as you.

Woah, I walk home, all alone.

It's dark, I walk through the park...

I see a figure coming towards me,

"Hello, you're alone, at night, let me walk you home"

Then you realise that it's me... [music stops]

I was waiting years for our futures to collide

I was waiting for that one moment in time

I was hoping that you would recognise me

Since we split when I was only seventeen

I've been hoping that one day you'd come round

I've been hoping that I'd see you about town

I was praying to every god I knew

That my future would collide with you...

I was waiting years for our futures to collide

I was waiting for that one moment in time

I was hoping that you would recognise me

Since we split when I was only seventeen

I've been hoping that one day you'd come round

I've been hoping that I'd see you about town

I was praying to every god I knew

That my future would collide with you...