Danelle Becker

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Danelle Becker
Background information
Origin Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Genres pop, indie, hip-hop
Occupations Singer, songwriter
Years active 2009-2010
Labels Elite Records (2009)
Associated acts Miss Drips, Violetta DiNozzo, Sabrina, Deltra

Danelle Elizabeth Louise Becker (born October 24, 1989 in Toronto, Ontario, Canada) was an American singer who took part of the 2009 Tango Challenge competition. She was partnered with Hip-Hop star Miss Drips.

Early Life[edit | edit source]

At age 5, Danelle and her family moved to United States so Becker could pursue acting. The Beckers moved to a little town in Pennsylvania. Danelle went to school with singer Mahlee Wohp. It's well known that Mahlee and Danelle became best of friends, but when they were in 8th grade, Danelle Becker and Mahlee wohp parted ways. While talking about Mahlee to Violetta, Danelle Becker said...

"oh... Let me tell you something about Mahlee Whop. We were best friends in middle school (True Story). So then in eighth grade, I started going out with my first boyfriend Kyle who was totally gorgeous but then he moved to Indiana, and Mahlee was like, weirdly jealous of him. Like, if I would blow her off to hang out with Kyle, she'd be like, "Why didn't you call me back?" And I'd be like, "Why are you so obsessed with me?" So then, for my birthday party, which was an all-girls pool party, I was like, "Mahlee, I can't invite you, because I think you're lesbian." I mean I couldn't have a lesbian at my party. There were gonna be girls there in their *bathing suits*. I mean, right? She was a LESBIAN. So then her mom called my mom and started yelling at her, it was so retarded. And then she dropped out of school because no one would talk to her, and now she started singing, she was totally weird, and now I guess she's a pedophile."

The story about Becker and Mahlee being 8th grade buddies leaked to the internet, which set Mahlee off. That caused the singer to resign from the UK and go back to the US with her tail in between her legs. However before she left, she decided to blog her UK experience and trash singers Alex Washington, Alesha, Indigo Peak and Becker. This is what Mahlee had to say to Becker...


Danelle quickly responded by saying...


Early career[edit | edit source]

Before finding Urapopstar, Becker recorded a demo CD which was distributed to Thomas Higgins and Mark Ronson. This demo CD included "Rehab" (cover by Amy Winehouse), "Smile" (Cover By Lily Allen) and a song she wrote called "Uncertified". The demo CD is very rare as only a few copies were made (Becker gave most to her friends and family); one found its way onto eBay and earned a high price, before asked to be taken down by Danelle's parents.
In 2007 Becker saw fame at the Canadian TV show Canadian Idol, where she made into the Top 24, but later dropped out due to health issues. Many went on to believe that Becker was suffering from some lung disease since she's a heavy smoker ever since her early teen years. Becker later denied that by saying suffered from Herpes zoster.

Rise to fame[edit | edit source]

In 2008 Becker returned to the music scene, this time she her career up and going. The star moved to United Kingdom and hope for a record deal. She believe that a place such as the UK, had a better shot at signing her, since most of her influence came from British artists. She tried X-Factor, but did not make it.
In 2009 she found herself getting signed with one of Urapopstar's biggest record label Elite Records. The singer signed up for the Tango Challenge in hope for some extra spotlight. The singer's attitude however got her many haters. Most artists felt that Becker was more of a joke than someone who was there to work. Dance stars Alex Washington and Jack Stevens called Becker "shit".

Rise of a bad chick - The feuds[edit | edit source]

Becker did not start her career in a good note. At her first red carpet, many acts saw the first signs of a bad chick.

4tune[edit | edit source]

Dance Queen 4Tune was the first victim to fall out with Becker. According to the media, Becker was fed up with 4Tune's attitude towards new acts and she wanted to stand up for them. Becker called 4Tune a "botoxed faced cunt" and "old lady". 4Tune retaliated by calling Becker a "no one," and that's when the feud really started. The two ladies went head to head with one another, it got to the point where 4Tune was feeling unsafe with Danelle's presence. 4Tune put Becker under a 100ft restraining order. Becker however ignored the restraining order, saying that she never threatened 4Tune. 4Tune and Becker called truce on February 2nd, 2008.

Elice Claire[edit | edit source]

Pop sweet heart Elice Claire also got a taste of the troubled star's rage. Danelle Becker called Elice Claire an "Esmeralda Dimuzio wannabe, without talent" she also added she's a disgrace to 'cokenose' sister Stacy Hart. While Claire was on Celebrity Big Brother, Becker started spreading fake rumors about Claire's affair with random man, calling the pop star a "dirty whore". Since Claire was in the Big Brother house she wasn’t able to neither respond nor know what was going on outside. Once Claire left the Big Brother house at second place, Becker insisted that it was a Fix quoting "There's no way this cokenose whore could've gotten second. It's a fix". Becker and Claire currently remain un-friends.

Helena Rossi[edit | edit source]

Becker and Rossi also had a bit of a throw down. Newcomer Helena Rossi quoted Becker a several times and also backed up her fellow friend Elice Claire. Becker however didn't take shit from Rossi, she called the newcomer a "floppy piece of shit", and she also asked the singer to go back to her cave. Rossi kept distance from Becker to avoid a public feud. Tensions between Rossi and Becker lessened late July when both girls joined a team to fight newcomer Tynisha. They however are not fully friends.

Alex Washington[edit | edit source]

Pop star Alex Washington also got to taste the bitterness of Becker. Washington who called Becker shit when she first introduced herself was not afraid of what the outcome was going to be. The pop star though Becker was like any other ordinary newcomer "vulnerable and stupid", he obviously didn’t read in between the lines. Becker quoted Washington a few times a criticized the singer as an attention seeker, something that Washington didn’t deny. The two however kissed and made up soon after.

Miss Drips[edit | edit source]

Becker and Miss Drips were paired together to take part on the 2009's version of Tango Challenge. The new shocked Becker, since Drips once said that she could "cut Danelle's ass". Becker however was ready to leave that comment aside to be able to work on the Tango Challenge. Drips however was getting herself ready to make her comeback into the music biz, claiming that Becker would ruin her chances of scoring a hit. Becker tried to stay cool since she was somewhat afraid of Drips. Drips and Becker went to studio to record a song that Drips wrote for the Tango Challenge, but the two were having a hard time in the studio. According to an inside source Drips punched Becker in the face when she returned with a latte instead of a cappuccino, when Drips sent Danelle off while recording the song to "keep her busy".
After the song was recorded Drips said that Danelle would only be a backup singer and that the singer's voice had to be polished a lot, since Becker lacked vocal skills. Becker pissed at Drips for the harsh comment went on to say that she wasn’t going to promote the single at all and she was hoping for a flop. The following morning Becker went to The Mirror and gave an interview quoting

"I didn’t write the song, I barely sang and to be honest I couldn't give a shit. If I go down she'll go down too. I don’t mind having a DNC or a #40. It's all good with me. (laughs)" and "You know I’ve been having fun smoking my cigs and that's all I’m gonna do for a while. I'm not gonna promote the (or HER) single. Drips will have to do all the job, since the song is HERS. Good luck to her and her comeback..."

Drips replied to Becker by saying "No wonder we had to mute her voice on this record, look at all them cigs she's getting through". Becker didn't wanna stop there, she was ready to get a war going. The singer said that Miss Drips was a "Manipulative diva" and that she didn't care about "this so called cheap duet". Becker claimed Drips begged her to drop out of the competition, but Becker refused to do so, because she wanted to be around to see Drips go down. Becker claimed that she "laughed it off" at Drips' claim by saying "It'll be a pleasure to see us flop. I am paying other people NOT TO BUY (OUR) I mean YOUR single ha!", and that was when Drips lost her mind and jumped on Becker's throat. People who were around, were able to hear Becker screaming, moments later police arrived and arrested the Drips. Becker decided to drop all charges against the Hip-Hop diva.
After the whole incident with Drips, Becker was ready to raise a white flag by saying she was gutted at the whole situation and that she actually hoped for a good single entry in the 2009 Tango Challenge. Drips felt bad for the troubled star and decided to give Becker a chance to work things out. The two finally called truce on February 2nd 2008, same day Becker called truce with 4Tune.

The Infinite[edit | edit source]

Newcomers The Infinite was also tangled up with Danelle Becker. The group which was paired up with Violetta, who happens to be Danelle's close friend, was bullying the teen star. Becker went to the rescue on her friend’s behalf. Becker called the band “Kiss-arses” among other insults. The band retaliated by saying Danelle is nothing but shit. On another occasion Carolina (a member from The Infinite) tried to punch Becker to start a even bigger feud in between them. Danelle however was quoted saying "honey, get your cheap ass away from me, I can't be bother with dirty country animals like ya'll". The band refused to add anything to Danelle's comment. On February 13th, The Infinite quoted Becker when she said "my life is too dull, I need something to do", the band's response was "her life of excitement would make a battery farm chicken take up an evening class". That however made Becker laugh, and her response to Will (another member of the band) was "I don’t know what you judging me for you cunt faced, when your life of excitement is work at McDonalds for a low wage". The Infinite and Becker are still under the radar for this strange but bitter feud.

Mahlee Wohp[edit | edit source]

While Mahlee was feuding with Alex Washington, Alesha, and Andre from Indigo Peak, she also managed to get into a feud with Danelle Becker, just shortly after the singer told the British press that Mahlee broke into her house and tried to kill her. Although, it couldn't be proved that Mahlee did it, Danelle remained persistent that Mahlee did do the crime.

Mahlee, who had been friends with Danelle, was completely shocked by the story and had confronted Danelle Becker not soon after, where she only said to her "I thought we were friends". Angered by the false rumors, Mahlee shot back at Danelle and said that she was "only doing all of this so you can destroy my reputation and further your career". She later went on to say, "I hope they [referring to her new friends Alex Washington and Alesha] do the same thing to you as they did to me".

Needless to say, Mahlee doesn't consider Danelle Becker as her friend anymore, although Danelle Becker has continued to say positive things about her music. It was later revealed that Mahlee and Danelle were once friends in Middle School and that Mahlee dropped out of school after some lesbian accusations.

Paris[edit | edit source]

On her first day after she came back from her sudden disappearance, Danelle Becker got tangled up with newcomer Paris. Paris, had nothing but positive things to say about Danelle. But Ms. Becker took it the wrong way and trashed singer Paris. Danelle called Paris a trashy songwriter and a talentless bitch. Paris fought back and said that Becker was only back to get people's attention. Becker told Paris off and called the newcomer irrelevant. The two continue to battle out. The two have kissed and made up after Tynisha attacked Paris. Both girls joined team against Tynisha and became new BBFs on July 27, 2009.

Blackened Gold Chariot[edit | edit source]

Becker also got tangled up with Blackened Gold Chariot, calling them shit and other names. Becker calls Blackened Gold Chariot irrelevant pieces of shit with terrible artwork and promoting skills. The band tried to call truce but Becker did not accept. The two acts clashed again on July 3rd, when Becker returned to fight with Tynisha. Becker absolutely hates BGC with a passion and repeats herself that she hopes they quit the music industry. Becker stated that she will do whatever it takes to make their life miserable. On 7 July 2009 Danelle called truce with them because according to her "they are too boring and I pity them".

Tynisha[edit | edit source]

It's very clear that Danelle absolutely hates Tynisha with a big ass passion. Danelle never liked the singer since the day she opened her mouth to insult acts such as Alesha, whom Danelle praises. On 03 July 2009, Becker spoken up against Tynisha causing the two to engage in a fierce fight. Tynisha however tried to avoid Danelle as she knew Becker would not give up and would drag the fight until Tynisha was down. Shit act Blackened Gold Chariot joined Tynisha on the same day to argue with Danelle. But Becker already knew what she was getting into as she was tangled with BGC before.

Syd Wolfe / Taylor Wolfe[edit | edit source]

Becker declared her hate for singer Syde Wolfe after the singer somewhat defended Tynisha saying that she likes the singer. Becker also dislikes Syd because according to her, Becker feels like she thinks she's better than everyone now that she's a "superstar". Syd's gay brother also got off in Becker's bad side, when he defended his shit sister saying that people shouldn't all jump on Tynisha at once.

Camilla Holmes[edit | edit source]

Becker never liked Holmes, way before Holmes returned to the music scene, Becker was putting her bets that she would get into a big blow out fight with the flop singer. Becker describes Holmes as an "irrelevant little piece of waste", mostly because Holmes has "NO LIFE INSPIRATION". According to Becker, Holmes should've never tried to be a big superstar when she was shit, she basically dug her grave before being dead. Holmes and Becker got into many public fights, in which one of those Holmes ended up in the hospital after Becker punched her in the face and kicked her head causing the singer to have a concussion. Holmes has tried to avoid Becker, but Becker always tries to cross the line to attack the singer.

Alicia Jones[edit | edit source]

Alicia Jones got into a fit with Danelle, when Becker told Alicia to leave the music biz. It all started when Alicia announced her new album cover and said she was coming back. Becker jumped on Alicia and told her she had no life, all she did was live in the recording studio to release an album every week. Jones lashed back and told Becker to back off. Becker went on to trash Alicia Jones and both got into a fight. They however agreed to leave their differences aside to work on the "The Anti-Nisha Alliance". The two clashed once again in November, when Alicia Jones announced her 3876256th studio album alongside Greatest Flops album. On 24 February 2010, Jones was found dead in a garbage dumb in downtown London. Becker confessed she was the one who killed Jones.

Unsexy Star[edit | edit source]

Becker first clashed with Unsexy shit over Twitter. The shit singer tried to follow Becker's twitter but got rejected with the following note "you're too irrelevant and stupid to be following me, un-follow me right now you load of cow shit". Sexy Star then trashed Danelle in a radio station, calling the singer a "talentless hag". Becker and Sexy Star have clashed many times and they both hate each other.

Kirby L. Avalon[edit | edit source]

Kirby L. Avalon aka Kunty AvaMong is an irrelevant shit singer that's obsessed with Random shit. Becker first attacked the shit singer when he was talking about his obsession with Barbie dolls, Butterscotch and Barney. Becker trashed the singer live on air Capital FM and then got into a public fight with the singer outside GMTV's studio. Paparazzi were able to snap picture of Kunty hitting Danelle in the face. Kunty "woman beater" Avamong became a lot more irrelevant after the event.

Other People Danelle Dislikes[edit | edit source]

Here are some people who are a bit irrelevant or it's haven’t really had a fight with Danelle, but she still dislike: Kazimiera, Ana Simpson, Ryan Dawson, Liah LeBelle, Kate Lawler, Sarah Lawler and Emma Brown.

The Anti-Nisha Alliance[edit | edit source]

To show everyone how much she hates Tynisha, singers Danelle Becker and newcomer Paris started a group called "The Anti-Nisha Alliance" to try to bring shit singer Tynisha Down. The alliance caused some chaos among acts that thought that Becker was taking things too far. Singer Syd Wolfe told Becker she felt that this was unnecessary, while Alesha, Indigo Peak, Ryan Dawson and Ana Simpson refused to take any sides in this war. Newcomer Amelle got nominated to be a part of the group, but she refused to join, because she was afraid that would ruin her reputation. Becker, Paris, Sabrina and Alicia Jones are official members of this alliance. Helena Rossi, Violetta Dinozzo and Ellen are unofficial and unconfirmed members of the alliance.

Backlash[edit | edit source]

The day after the alliance was formed a backlash happened. Singer Paris who was the main organizer threw another of her lunches to discuss the Tynisha issues. However after singer Syd Wolfe kicked her out of the tour, Paris added Syd to the hate list, making singer Helena Rossi, Violetta, Alicia Jones and Elle leave the alliance. Shortly after all the girls left the alliance, Paris also withdrew herself and apologized for her actions. Danelle and Sabrina were the only remaining on the alliance. The Alliance was then called it "over" when singer Danelle announced the end of the "War" against Tynisha. On the 29 July 2009, Danelle decided to check herself back into Rehab for an unknown reason, leaving partner Violetta Dinozzo to finish promotion for their single.

Personal Life[edit | edit source]

Aside from her feuds, she is good friends with Violetta DiNozzo, Deltra, Sabrina, Miss Retro and Kaci Trent. Becker currently lives in England with her older sister, but she goes back to United States often to visit her family.
On June 21, 2009 Becker made a sudden return only to stir shit with other acts such as Helena Rossi, Elice Claire, Blackened Gold Chariot, Paris and a few others. On June 3rd, 2009 Becker returned once again to stir shit with more acts. This time she got into another fight with BGC and with Uraps biggest joke Tynisha doesnthavealastnamecozshescrap.
Though singer Sabrina said Danelle was a cheap tart at first, she later realized that Becker was a fierce woman and therefore she would be working side by side with the singer to bring Tynisha down.

Drug overdose[edit | edit source]

On February 22nd at 4 AM, minutes after Mahlee Wohp had posted her rage blog. Becker fled her home under stress and unhappiness due to the bitter words and threats from Mahlee Wohp. Becker was found by paparazzi at an unknown location overdosing on pot and cigarettes. Becker who was in tears also didn’t want to be touched by anyone. But she was then talked by paparazzi to seek help. The paparazzi were kind enough to help Becker and take her home.

July 2009 Arrest[edit | edit source]

Singer Danelle Becker was arrested mid July for beating up singer Tynisha. According to reports who witness Becker and Tynisha, they said that Tynisha was walking down the street when Becker spotted the singer from a few blocks down. Becker ran up to Tynisha to have a little talk, which of course ended up becoming a fight. Witness say that they saw Danelle throw the first punch in Tynisha's eye, then Tynisha grabbed Becker by the hair until Becker kicked Ty in the chin and drop kicked her in the boobs and head. Police arrived at the scene and arrested Becker for assault. Becker stayed in jail for 2 weeks and was released after her friends and family paid the bail.

July 2009 drug overdose and withdraw[edit | edit source]

On the evening of 28 July 2008, singer/trainwreck Danelle Becker was seen leaving her home in London to bar, this was shortly after all the girls in the "Anti-Nisha Alliance" decided to withdraw themselves from the war. Becker wrote in her blog that she wasn’t angry at the ladies for wanting to leave after Paris added Syd to the war. Becker told Paris she had no backbone and she had lost her dignity for giving up something she once believed. Becker was photographed by Paparazzi doing shots in a bar and later doing cocaine in the back with some people she knew. On 29 July 2009 at 3 A.M Becker was found unconscious in an alley in London was rushed to the hospital with Coke overdose. Later that day Becker announced she would be checking herself back into rehab and that she would withdraw herself from the promotion of her single with Violetta. The singer remained in Rehab from July 2009 until November 2009.

January 2010 Deportation[edit | edit source]

Danelle Becker was deported back to her home country Canada on January 2010. The singer had been living in the United Kingdom with an expired visa. According to immigration, Becker has also been working with the black market, bring illegal drugs into the country. On January 15, Becker was given 48 years to pack up and leave the country.

Alicia Jones' Murder[edit | edit source]

Pop singer Alicia Jones was found dead in a dump behind her home on 24 February 2010. Hours before Jones' body was found, Becker posted a note on her site "ALICIA JONES IS DEAD HAPPY DAYS". According to many media sites, Becker was the one behind Jones' murder. Further investigations on Jones’ murder were put to rest, as nobody seemed to care about her death. On March 1, 2010 however, Becker confessed that she was the one behind Jones' murder. But since she's a Canadian citizen, she's untouchable. ROFL

Murder Arrest[edit | edit source]

On April 19, 2010, Becker was arrested by London Police after evidence leading up to the murder of Alicia Jones linked back to her. An anonymous call was made on April 17, 2010, possibly made by Alicia Jones' best friend and Gingers singer Tentrita. According to the person behind the call, Becker had planned the murder with a friend while she was in Canada. Secret tapes of the conversation were supposedly recorded. Even though Danelle Becker didn't physically murder Alicia Jones, she paid someone to do the dirt. Becker's trial will be held on April 25, 2010, If convicted, Becker could remain in jail for about 15 years.

Music[edit | edit source]

Becker and Drips have reached a deal for a Double-A side single featuring two songs. One Miss Drips song and one Danelle Becker song. Becker's entry on the Double A is called "Uncertified". The single entered the charts at #6, selling 71,254 copies in its first week.
Chart Run for "Uncertified" (6 - 6 - 14 - 17 - 22 - 38), by the end of its run the single sold a total of 199,065 copies.

Return to music[edit | edit source]

On 5 July 2009, Becker announced that she would be releasing a single with her best friend Violetta Dinozzio. The song which is called "...And You Are?" was written by Violetta herself. The single was released on August 3rd 2009 and peaked @#6.

Sisters Against Shitty Singers (S.A.S.S)[edit | edit source]

The Sisters Against Shitty Singers was founded by Danelle Becker, Sabrina, Violetta Dinozzo and Deltra. The group was formed to create buzz in order to get rid of shit singers such as Camilla Holmes, Butterscotch, Fly Project, Sexy Star and Tynisha. Becker, Sabrina and Dinozzo wrote a song called "Queens Of Anarchy" in order to promote the movement. The single will be released on 11 January 2010. The single marked Becker's 3rd return to the music business with yet another collaboration. The single peaked @#9 in the UK single charts.

The Death Of The "Sistas"[edit | edit source]

With Becker being deported back to Canada, it was announced that "Queens Of Anarchy" was going to be a one-off single. Violetta DiNozzo said on an interview that the sistas would in fact return for her 2010 concert tour. On 27 January 2010, pop singer Sabrina was found dead, this event brought all the sista's together once again. Becker was not able to attend Sabrina's funeral, as she's not allowed back in Britain, but she sent her condolences to Sabrina's friends and family. Sabrina's death also brought the death to the "sistas" as Danelle was quoted on her blog "Today the sista's lost a precious member. Sabrina and I did have our differences, but she was a fun lazy chick. She will be missed by SOME people, this concludes the sistas... It was fun while it lasted"

Discography[edit | edit source]


Album[edit | edit source]

Singles[edit | edit source]

External Links[edit | edit source]

Danelle Becker's official Twitter